Multiparty Women’s Caucus – Functions and Powers

The Multiparty Women’s Caucus derives its mandate from Rule 180 A of the KZN Legislature.

It acts as an advisory, influencing and consultative body by:
1. Representing the interests of and concerns of women members of the Legislature;
2. Promoting the discussion of women issues in the Legislature;
3. Making submissions to the Standing Committee on Quality of Life and Status of Women, Children, Youth and Disabled Persons on the improvement of the quality of life and status of women, either at the request of the Standing Committee or at its own initiative;
4. Introducing a woman’s perspective and focus in Legislature activities, including the programming of debates;
5. Engaging on developmental and empowerment issues with women in political structures outside the Legislature and women members of parliaments and legislatures internationally; and
6. Considering any other matter within its mandate referred to it by the House.

The MPWC further incorporates the work of the Commonwealth Women Parliamentarians (CWP).

CWP Strategic Objectives 2016-2020

1. Development of structures, rules and Guidelines for CWP;
2. Increase of women representation and involvement;
3. Empowerment of women;
4. Improved monitoring of implementation of International and regional instruments; and
5. Reduction of social, cultural and religious practices that are harmful to women.


Hon. NN Boyce

Speaker - Chairperson: Programme Committee & Rules Committee