Oversight visit to the Newcastle Road Inspectorate Unit of the Department of Transport
On the 6 February 2018 the Portfolio Committee on Transport led by its Chairperson Hon. Ntombikayise Sibhidla -Saphetha conducted oversight in the Newcastle RTI Offices and Driving license Testing Centre. The inspection covered how the centre functions and interaction with members of the members of the public who use these facilities took place to get the first hand information around treatment they receive, staff conduct, and the facility itself. Members of the Committee were quite happy with what they had seen and applauds the work done for instance to ensure that technology is installed to prevent any corrupt activities that may be associated with drivers’ licencing and bribery.
Later on the day at about 10h00 at the Newcastle Municipal Chamber, the Department of Transport and its MEC, Hon Mxolisi Kaunda delivered the department’s Annual Performance Plan to the Committee, which included amongst other issues the 2017/18 third quarter expenditure and performance report, Update report on the handover of Leaner Transport, report on the Vukuzakhe Turnaround Strategy, a report on uMnambithi Public Transport system. Members were taken through the facility by the senior official in the department Mr Victor Chetty.

The Chairperson makes a follow up question to Mr Victor Chetty, the Director of the RTI directorate at Head Office.

Hon Duma, a Mmeber of the Committee had his eys tested during this visit and he scored 100% whe was presented with this machine, as he answered all the questions correct.

The Department through its MEC Hon Kaunda tables its reports top the Committee at the Chamber in Newcastle