“Women United in Pursuit of Radical Economic Transformation”

The KZN Legislature together with women in the province celebrate the Women’s Month in Vryheid at Mondlo Sports field, Section B on the 10 and 11 August 2017.

Thus, the Annual Women’s Parliament will be held over these two days, under the theme “Women United in Pursuit of Radical Economic Transformation”. It is anticipated that the debate under this theme will be robust as women seek to ensure their participation and ownership of the economy as the country strives for an inclusive economy. “The programme is designed such that women come out of this parliament understanding fully the direction they are supposed to take in order to free themselves from poverty, unemployment and economic inequalities we see in our society”, said Hon VV Tambo, Chairperson of the Standing Committee on Quality of Life at the Legislature.

The 10th August will begin with a Peace Walk in the streets of Vryheid, a walk that aims to celebrate the gains of women that were brought about by the Constitution of the Republic. These gains include the laws that were passed since 1994 in support of women, namely, the Domestic Violence Act, the Maintenance Act, and the Recognition of Customary Marriage Act etc. The march will proceed to the Police Station where a Memorandum containing concerns of women will be handed over to the Police.

This march will be followed by a visit to the Vryheid Prison as delegates of the Women’s Parliament wish to share their celebration with female inmates. A one hour programme has been planned where MECs, MPLs and delegates will interact with female inmates after which the entire delegation will proceed to the first day of the sitting of the Women’s Parliament at Mondlo Sport field, B Section.

Media representatives are invited to these events.

For more information contact:
Wesley Canham
Senior Communications Officer:
Media Liaison and Publications
KZN Legislature
033-3557 559/ 0833767299

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In this Workers’ Month, the Workers in KwaZulu- Natal will hold their annual Workers’ Parliament in Nombika Sports field in Ndwedwe Local Municipality on the 19 and 20 May 2017. The main focus this year is the celebration of the 20 years of the Constitution. Workers will specifically celebrate what they call are the gains of the working class post 1994. These gains are entrenched in the constitution and these are the rights to strike, the right to form and join a trade union of one’s choice, the right to organise, Entitlement to annual leave, sick leave, maternity leave and Family-responsibility etc. These rights are contained in various Acts which the working class pride themselves of as they are the results of what the workers of this country had fought for. These Acts include the Basic Condition of Employment Act of 1997, Labour Relations Act, Employment Equity Act, The Skills Development Act, Section 23 of the Bill of Rights, Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act, the Unemployment Fund etc.
These rights are a reminder to workers, that not long ago a south African worker especially non –white, was subjected to various forms of discrimination in the workplace, for example, forced labour, job reservation, migrant labour system etc.

This year the Workers have decided to focus their debates and discussions on the Vulnerable Workers under a theme: “The Struggle for the Control and Ownership of the Economy in favour of Vulnerable Workers is On, as Workers Celebrate 20 years of the Constitution”. The three major Federations in the province, namely, Cosatu, Nactu and Fedusa have jointly embraced the theme and are convinced that discussions around this theme will deliver vulnerable workers from the hardships they face in the workplace. The Federations recalled in a meeting held last week at the Legislature that the exploitation of workers was a feature of life for a South African workers for decades. Apartheid thrived on cheap labour, as workers had to contend with the migrant labour system, passes and influx control, job reservation, and other oppressive laws. Today they celebrate the gains brought about by the scrapping of all apartheid laws in the workplace and society in general. The rights of the workers as entrenched in the constitution are the basis for these celebrations.

The Celebration is set to start off with a march on the 19th May 2017, at 8h30 from Ndwedwe Central Town, and proceed to Nombika Sportsfield. Hundreds of workers are expected to participate in this march, and marchers will display key messages in their placards as they celebrate their constitutional gains. Members of the Executive Council (MECs) and Members of the Provincial Legislature (MPLs) will be part of this march.

Mobilisation of workers across the province has been initiated with Transport made available to ferry workers to the event. Attached is the Programme over the two days of the Workers’ Parliament. Media representatives are invited to cover the event.

For more information , contact:
W Canham (Mr)
Senior Communications Officer:
Media Liaison and Publications
KZN Legislature
033-3557 559/ 0833767299

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22 February 2017

Embargo: For Immediate Release

Attention: News/Assignment Editors, Political Reporters, Reporters

From: KZN Legislature Communications Unit


It’s all systems go for the Official Opening of the KwaZulu-Natal Legislature scheduled for Tuesday and Wednesday next week.
His Majesty Zulu King Goodwill Zwelithini will deliver a keynote address on the 28th February at the Royal Showgrounds.
The King’s address will be followed by the State of the Province Address which will be delivered by Premier Willies Mchunu on Wednesday 1st of March 2017.
Adding to the glamour and ceremony normally associated with the Official Opening of the Legislature, this year’s event will be characterised by the display of artefacts such as traditional beads, beer pots, shields etc.
This is to assist local craftsman to be able to showcase their workmanship to visitors who will be attending the Official Opening.
Notably, this year instead of having schoolchildren forming a guard of honour for His Majesty, this task will be performed by Zulu maidens and Amabutho on the first day.
Furthermore, His Majesty will be accompanied by his regimen drawn from local and other parts of Nongoma and it will be led by Induna Yezinsizwa, Mr Mgilija.
KZN Legislature endeavours to use this event to put the concept of “Unity in Diversity” into practice through involvement of the people of KwaZulu-Natal as the province remaina remarkable melting pot in the country and it fully subscribes to the notion of equal recognition of cultures.
The two-day event will be broadcast live in various media outlets including community radio stations, mainstream television stations and social media.
Members of the media are invited to attend.
Details of the Official Opening and State of the Province Address are as follows:

Dates : 28 February 2017 and 1st March 2017 (King’s Address and SOPA)
Time   : 9am
Venue : Royal Showgrounds (Pietermaritzburg)

For more information please contact Wonder Hlongwa at 0829083532 or Sina Nxumalo 082906 0449.







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January 2017 Schools Opening Functionality Monitoring Programme

In the past six years in January, Members of the KwaZulu-Natal Legislature including the Executive, have been embarking on a programme known as the Schools Opening Functionality Monitoring Programme, which aims to monitor and ensure that teaching and learning happen on the first day of the opening of all public schools in the province.The schools functionality monitoring programme, which took place from the 11th to the 13th January 2017, is part of the Legislature’s oversight exercise in which all Members of the Legislature visit public schools through the province to assess the state of readiness at the commencement of the academic year.

Members were deployed in all districts of the province to monitor the level of schools’ readiness for the 2017 academic year. They visited public schools that performed well in the 2016 senior certificate examination results and those that performed badly. The aim was to gain first-hand information on the challenges that face public schools especially those that perform badly in matric results.Members also got an opportunity to understand other challenges facing public schools such as poor infrastructure, shortage of teachers, incorrect quintile ranking, inadequate security and school vandalism to mention but a few.

During the visits, Members were accompanied by officials from the Department of Education who had to account on the challenges facing schools and the plans of addressing them. Other departments such as Social Development, Health, Cogta, Public Works as well as District and Local Mayors were part of the delegations. The visits also include meetings with stakeholders that comprise School Governing Bodies (SGBs), teacher unions, ward councillors, Amakhosi, Interfaith leaders, and other community structures.


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Health Portfolio Committee performs oversight in Harry Gwala District

As part of its constitutional mandate, the KZN Legislature through its Health Portfolio Committee visited Usher Memorial and St Margaret Hospitals on Wednesday, 16th November 2016 to inspect the provision of health services in Harry Gwala District.

The delegation was led by Hon. Bhamjee, the chairperson of Health committee. This was a follow up visit after the National Council of Provinces (NCOP) had been to Harry Gwala District in September as part of the NCOP Provincial Week. NCOP Members had visited the district to track and evaluate the levels of service delivery in KwaZulu-Natal particularly in health and education.

The Health Portfolio Committee held a series of boardroom and site meetings where the district and hospital management reported on various challenges and successes in the provision of health services in the district. The state of the two hospitals was applauded in terms of cleanliness, staff compliment, as well as the standard of service that is provided to the people of Harry District. This is in spite of the challenges such as inadequate budget, human resources and medical equipment.

Several recommendations were made by the NCOP to the MEC of Health, Dr Dhlomo on matters of importance and how such challenges could be addressed. The committee was informed of the common challenges in the district which include the shortage of doctors in rural hospitals, lack of proper sanitation, infrastructure, shortage of EMRS ambulances, and the latest challenge of drought that is facing the entire country.

Health Portfolio Committee performs oversight in Harry Gwala District

Health Portfolio Committee performs oversight in Harry Gwala District

The Health Portfolio Committee visited the district to monitor the implementation of recommendations and short-term solutions that were proposed by the NCOP in September. However, the committee expressed its disappointment at the slow pace in implementing the recommendations of the NCOP, especially on short term solutions like the drilling of boreholes for water supply. The committee also noted that not much has been done on improving hospital infrastructure since the last NCOP Provincial week.

Hospital management made an undertaking to address these issues without any further delays and that the Department of Health would report before the committee on its intervention plan to address these challenge. Guided by the Public Finance Management Act (PFMA) the committee also scrutinised how hospital finances were being managed including budget allocations for short and long term projects as it was resolved during the NCOP week.

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Community Safety Portfolio Committee joins the public to combat crime in Umkhanyakude

Members of Community Safety Portfolio Committee at the South Africa/Mozambique border

Members of Community Safety Portfolio Committee at the South Africa/Mozambique border

Crime levels in Umkhanyakude District have reached alarming proportions with cross-border crime, particularly car thefts between South Africa and Mozambique having reached alarming proportions.

This has prompted the Community Safety Portfolio Committee, under the leadership of the committee chairperson, Hon. Bheki Ntuli, to visit the district recently with an aim of holding meetings with communities, local leadership and members of the South African Police Service (SAPS) to find solutions to the scourge of crime in that part of the province.

The committee started off its oversight work by visiting an illegal South Africa/Mozambique border post, notoriously known as Gate 6, where most cars stolen from South Africa are smuggled to Mozambique to be sold to crime syndicates.

At Gate 6, the committee held a meeting with commanders of the South African National Defence Force (SANDF) who patrol that part of the border and SAPS top brass where they received a full briefing on the crime situation along Gate 6.

Committee members were informed that both the SANDF and SAPS lacked necessary resources to fight cross-border crime especially stealing of vehicles from South Africa. There were few members deployed along the border with insufficient equipment for intelligence gathering and that there was no proper fence along the border. That made it easy for criminals to remove the fence and smuggle vehicles across Mozambique. Even Mozambican people easily cross the fence to South Africa without any documentation.

The committee later held a public meeting at Umhlabuyalingana Municipality which was attended by local leadership including Amakhosi, councillors, members of CPFs, SAPS and other stakeholders. The meeting deliberated on a number of crime fighting initiatives and strategies which were aimed at bringing the levels of crime down.

It was noted that there was a lack of co-operation from the Mozambican authorities to stop cross-border vehicle theft once stolen vehicles reach the Mozambican side. Attempts to allow South Africa to build a base inside Mozambique have been obstructed in the past.

Committee members were unanimous in that there is a need for a high-level political intervention between South Africa and Mozambique that will find a lasting solution to the issue of cross-border crime. A bilateral meeting between governments of South Africa and Mozambique should be convened to resolve cross-border crime.

The committee also visited other police stations in Umkhanyakude including Mbazwana to get first-hand information on the issue of crime and how those police stations were dealing with it. On the last day, the committee visited Hlabisa police station and later held a public meeting with the community and other stakeholders. Committee members were informed that crime such as business robberies was on the rise in Hlabisa. The local police station lacks basic resources such as working telephones to enable the public to report crime as it happens.

Community Safety Portfolio Committee listens to a community member making input during an oversight visit to Umhlabuyalingana

Community Safety Portfolio Committee listens to a community member making input during an oversight visit to Umhlabuyalingana

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Taking the Legislature to the People provides communities with direct access to their public representatives

Public interaction session at Durnacol Sport Complex

Public interaction session at Durnacol Sport Complex

Section 118 of the Constitution of the Republic places an obligation on all Provincial Legislatures to facilitate public involvement in their law making and oversight functions. The aim is to enable the citizens of this country to participate meaningfully in the governance of their lives. This also provides the citizens an opportunity to engage directly with their public representatives in order to raise their concerns and challenges which require government’s intervention.

In keeping with this constitutional obligation, the KwaZulu-Natal Legislature, led by Speaker Johnson, held a two day sitting away from its chambers in Pietermaritzburg and took the Legislature to Amajuba District where ordinary citizens were afforded an opportunity to interact with their public representatives.

The sitting was held at Dunarcol Sport Complex in Dannhauser Municipality on 27 and 28 October 2016, where people of Amajuba District were able to raise issues that affect them directly in the presence of Members including the Provincial Cabinet. People were able to raise their concerns about service delivery ranging from water shortages, housing, agriculture (access to farming), poverty, unemployment, health facilities, social development programmes.
MECs responded to the issues raised by the community and provided plans to address them. On the last day of the sitting, Premier Willies Mchunu presented a detailed report which included the provincial government’s programme of addressing the challenges facing the community of Amajuba District.

The two day sitting was a follow up to the visits by the multiparty committee which conducted oversight on the level of service delivery in all municipalities under Amajuba. The multiparty committee, led by the Chair of Chairs Hon. Sipho Gcabashe, inspected various service delivery projects to assess their successes and challenges. The multiparty delegation had compiled a comprehensive oversight report which was presented to the people of Amajuba on the first day of the sitting.

The multiparty delegation inspecting a housing project in Newcastle

The multiparty delegation inspecting a housing project in Newcastle

The multiparty delegation inspecting a housing project in Newcastle
Since 2004, the Legislature has visited all districts of KwaZulu-Natal to give citizens an opportunity to engage directly with their elected representatives. The programme also assists Members to gain first-hand information on the level of service delivery in communities, in order to accelerate service delivery especially in rural areas. The Legislature will continue with this programme of taking the Legislature to the people to ensure that all citizens of KwaZulu-Natal benefit from the fruits of democracy.

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Senior Citizen’s Parliament 2016 in Phongola

It is not all politics in the Senior Citizen’s Parliament, but the elderly have access to health services they need the most.  At the Senior Citizen’s Parliament, held in Phongola, staff from Intshelejuba hospital are hard at work rendering the health services to the most vulnerable members of our society, the elderly. The exhibition marquee set up has been of great benefit to the elderly who hardly have taxi fares to go to clinics or hospitals for their health needs. The long distances people have to travel to access health service is a challenge to elders like gogo Simelane who had an amputated leg. hosp3 With these services the elders are assessed, others referred for specialised services if necessary, and these services include dentistry, dietetics, physiotherapy etc. Those with high blood pressure (and have their medical cards with them), are offered treatment on-site. Senior citizens of Zululand district have praised the Legislature for providing the opportunity for them to not only express their views on service delivery issues in general, but also their specific needs for health.
A considerable amount of work was done by Health Practitioners form Intshelejuba Hospital at the 
Senior Citizen’s Parliament 2016 in Phongola offering elders health services.

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