iSishayamthetho sakwaZulu-Natali siqophe umlando sibamba ingqungquthela yokweseka abathandanayo abanobulili obufanayo kanye nabanobulili obufanayo

IQALE ngomfutho ingqungquthela yokuqala yesiShayamthetho saKwaZulu-Natali yomkhankaso waso wokuseka abantu abanobulili obuxubile kanye nabathandayo abonobulili obufanayo, abavame ukubizwa ngama-LGBTQIA+.

Lomcimbi, obizwa ngeKwaZulu-Natal Legislature’s LGBTQIA+ Symposium , ubuhanjelwe ngosolwazi, abazikabanzi ngalomkhakha, abamele izinhlangano, ama-LGBTQIA+, abemiNyango kahulumeni ehlukene, omasipala namalungu esiShayamthetho, ubuse-City Hall eMgungundlovu mhla zingama (date).

USomlomo wesiShayamthetho saKwaZulu-Natali uNksz uNontembeko Boyce wethule ingqikithi yalenhlanganiso wagcizelela ngokuthi bazimisele ukuqhubeka nezinye izingqungquthela zalolu hlobo ukuze bezofunda kabanzi ngama-LGBTQIA+, kanye neminye imikhakha engavikelekile, bese bewaseka ngendlela efanele.
“Esikuqondayo kwisiShayamthetho wukuthi ngokoMthethosisekelo wakulelizwe, sonke siyalingana futhi sonke sinamalungelo avikelwe nguSomqulu Wamalungelo Abantu (Bill of Rights). Lawo malungelelo kumele ahlonishwe yiwo wonke umuntu wakuleli,” kusho uSomlomo.

“Yingakho sikubone kumqoka ukuthi sihlangane kulengqungquthela ukuze sizofunda izinto ezithinta ama-LGBTQIA+, siphinde sikwazi ukuyeka lokhu ebesithi siyakwazi ngawo noma sizitshela ukuthi kuyiqiniso ngawo. Ukusebenzisa usiko nenkolo ngendlela engafanele ukubacwasa ngendlela abaphila ngayo, konke lokho yizinto esifisa ukuziyeka. Kodwa inkolo nosiko kumele kusetshenziswe ngendlela efanele yokubaseka, sibakhombise nothando,” kuqhuba uSomlomo.

Wenze isibonelo ngesishoshovu se-LGBTQIA+ uMnuz Lindokuhle Cele waseMlazi, owabulawa ngo-2020 ngesihluku ngenxa yempilo ayiphilayo. Uthe izigameko ezifuze lezi kumele zinqandwe futhi kuliwe nazo.

“Abantu abaningi abathandana nabantu abanobulili obufanayo mabangacwaswa ngendlela abaphila ngayo, bazizwe bengaphephile emphakathini; nokuyinto okumele iphele. Ayemukelekile nhlobo, siyayigxeka kakhulu,” kusho uSomlomo. UMnuz uChris McLachlan, i-Clinical Psychologist esibhedlela e-Edendale, uthe baningi abantu abangaqondi ngempilo yama-LGBTQIA+, nokwenza impilo yawo ibenzima.
“Okokuqala nje uma ingane izalwa, kubhekwa ukuthi wumfana noma yintombazane. Bese-ke ngalokho beyikhethela ukuthi izogqokani nokuthi izoba umuntu onjani emphakathini. Uma kwenzeka kuba khona umuntu ozizwa ngenye indlela abantu bake badideke, abanye bengakwazi ukwamukela.

“Izinto ezifana nezinto ezincane zenza ama-LGBTQIA+ abe nezinselelo njengokuthi asebenzise ziphi izindlu zangasese emphakathini, ngoba emphakathini kukhona ezabesilisa nezabesifazane kuphela ezindaweni eziningi. Wena uma unomzimba womuntu wesilisa kodwa uzizwa ukuthi ungowesifazane, uba nenkinga. Kokunye uze ubone ukuthi kumele ungazisebenzisi nhlobo izindlu zangasese ngoba uyacwaseka. Ezikoleni naseziteshini zamaphoyisa khona abangakutholi ukwesekwa, bacwaseke.”

Uthe njengomuntu obuye esebenze eThuthuzela (lapho kusetshenzwa amacala okudlwengula ezibhedlela) uke abone kukhona nabasaba ukuzobika amacala ngoba besaba ukuthi ngeke benzelwe ubulungiswa noma bahlekwe. “Abanye uma bexoshwa emakhaya, abazi bazoyaphi ngoba nezikhungo ezigcina abantu kunendawo yabesifazane nabesilisa kuphela. Kuningi okusamele kulungiswe ukweseka ama-LGBTQIA+ emphakathini,” kusho uMcLachlan.

Ovela eNdlini yabaHoli boMdabu, Inkosi NC Molefe, uthe uyaqonda ukuthi ezindaweni zasemakhaya nezamakhosi kusekhona ukungemukeleki nokucwaswa kwama-LGBTQIA+ kodwa bafisa ukufundiswa ukuze bezokwenza kangcono. “Siyaqonda ukuthi zikhona izinselelo ezindaweni zasemakhaya, kuba nzima ukuphila nathi emphakathini ngenxa yengcindezi ekhona. Kusenzima ukuthi sibemukele njengabanye abantu. Kokunye asibazi nokuthi bakhona ezindaweni zamakhosi ngoba bazifihlile ngoba besaba ukucwaseka.

“Esikushoyo manje wukuthi abangesabi, abaphumele obala, sibazi. Sazi izidingo zabo. Yizingane zethu lezi, esizithandayo. Kumele kube nezinhlelo ezifuze lezi umphakathi ufundiswe ngama-LGBTQIA+, kungagcinwa emadolobheni, kuyiwe ezindaweni zasemakhaya. Kumele uma ehlukumezekile akwazi ukuyofaka amacala konkosi bebike. Awanganikwa amagama awacwaswayo kodwa anikwe uthando nokusekwa lapho ekhona, angaze abalekele emadolobheni lapho ezokwamukeleka khona,” kusho Inkosi uMolefe.

Omunye obekulengqungquthela wuSamkelo Dindi, oneminyaka ewu-19, waseMkhuze, onxuse ukuthi kube nocwaningo emadolobheni nasemakhaya ukuze kube nolwazwi olulodwa ngomkhakha we LGBQTI+.
“Mina ngaze ngaba neminyaka engu-16 ngingakaze ngimbone omunye umuntu ophila impilo yabathandana nobulili obubodwa. Ngakho nganginemibuzo eminingi ukuthi ngathi ngiwumfana kodwa ngizizwa ngiwumuntu wesifazane. “Ngaba nenkinga nasesikoleni emathoyilethi abafana khona owazama ukungidlwengula. Ngase ngicela ukusebenzisa awamantombazane kodwa babengayizwa kahle leyo. Kwelothisha bathi ngeke besebenzise amathoyilethi nomfundi. Ngagcina nginikwa elalingasetshenziswa umuntu ukuthi kube ngelami. Kuningi ukucwaswa engakuthola ngenxa yempilo engangiyiphila. Ingqungquthela enje eyenziwe yisiShayamthetho iyasilekelela ukuthi sikhulume ngezinselelo esibhekana nazo nsuku zonke. Sifisa iqhubekele phambili nakwenzinye izindawo,” kusho yena.

Ilungu leSishayamthetho uMnuz uMarthinus Meyer lithe njengoba laphumela obala ngokuba owesilisa othandana nobulili obufanayo, kusabikwa ukuthi kukhona abasacwaseka. “Ngizizwa sengathi sizenzela phansi izingane zethu uma zisathola ukucwaseka ezikoleni namanje. Abanye bakhala ngokuthi amakhansela naseziteshini zamaphoyisa bayacwaseka. Lokho kumele kuphele. SiyisiShayamthetho kumele sizibophezele ekufundiseni abaholi emphakathini ukuthi ama-LGBTQIA+ aphathwa kanjani uma enezidingo,” kusho yena.
UMnyango wezeMpilo, uMnyango wezokuHlaliswa kwaBantu, uMnyango wokuThuthukiswa koMphakathi ithe inezinhlelo eziseka ama-LGBTQIA+ eminyangweni yazo.
UDkt u-Amet Tshabalala, woMnyango wezeMpilo, uthe kuseyinselelo ukuthi izibhedlela nemitholampilo zihlukaniswa ngowesilisa nowesifazane kuphela. Uthe kuningi okunye abazama ukukushintsha ukuze ama-LGBTQIA+ amukeleke kahle kwezempilo.

UNksz uGugu Luthuli, woMnyango wezokuHlaliswa KwaBantu, uthe kukhona uhlelo lwezinhlangano ezingenzi inzuzo, zokubhalisela ukuxhaswa ngendawo yokuhlala bese behlalisa abathandana nobulili obufanayo uma befakwe ngaphansi kwabantu abazohlomula.
Uthe nezindlu zomxhaso bayakwazi ukuzibhalisela uma nje izimo zabo ngokusebenza zivuma ukuthi baxhaswe.
Bathe bayakuqonda ukuthi kulezindawo ezikhoselisa abantu kusenenselelo yokuthi bahlukaniswa ngobulili besifazane nabesilisa. Bathe lokhu ngokunye okusadinga ukulungiswa.

UKhomishana weGender Equality, uNksz Busisiwe Deyl, uthe zisekhona izinselelo ababhekana nazo emsebenzini wokulelwa amalungelo abesifazane nokulingana kwezobulili ezweni. “Phakathi kwezinye izinselelo yimishado yezinkolo ezehlukene namasiko ahlukene. Umsebenzi wethu ukuthi siseke amalungelo abantu, siyakwazi ngisho nokuya ezinkantolo njengoba kwenza ihhovisi loMvikeli woMphakathi uma kukhona okumele sikulelwe ukuze kube semthethweni, ukuze kube nobulungiswa,” kusho yena.
Kulo mcimbi bekulandelwa yonke imithetho yokuphepha kwiCOVID-19, kuqhelelwene, kusetshenziswa nezifonyo ezimibalabala eziseka ama-LGBTQIA+.

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Newsletter – 16th Edition


Newsletter – 16th Edition

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KZN Legislature Pays Tribute To Isilo Samabandla King Goodwill Zwelithini KaBhekuzulu

24 March 2021
For Immediate Release
Attention: News/Assignment Editors, Political Reporters, Education Reporters.


The KZN Legislature hereby gives notice of a Special Sitting to be held on the 26 March 2021 in honour of His Majesty King Goodwill Zwelithini. The Legislature further acknowledges the role played by the Zulu Monarch in bringing about democracy that the country enjoys today.

The departed King Goodwill Zwelithini continues to be considered by this institution as the voice of reason and the unifier of all people in the province. The Legislature acknowledges that His Majesty has remained an advocate for socio-economic development, including provision of infrastructure: roads, water and electricity for especially, people living in rural areas. In this regard the Legislature, staff and its Members value the involvement of the Monarch in its work, as He always encouraged effective oversight and strengthened service delivery to the people especially in the rural parts of our province.

Whilst King Goodwill Zwelithini has honoured without any failure his official address to the nation which precedes the State of the Province address every year, His wise words during these addresses will be missed by the institution on behalf of the people of KwaZulu Natal.
Media is invited to cover the Special Sitting to be held as follows:
Date: 26 March 2021
Venue: Legislature Chamber
Time: 10am


For media enquiries and interviews please contact:
Wesley Canham
Media Liaison and PR
KZN Legislature

Nomusa Phungula
Media Liaison: Speaker’s Office
072 294 7237 / 071 851 0085

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Statement by the KZN Legislature on the passing of His Majesty King Goodwill Zwelithini

For Immediate Release

12 March 2021


The KwaZulu-Natal Legislature receives with great sadness the news of the passing of His Majesty King Goodwill Zwelithini kaBhekuzulu who was the leader of the Zulu nation.

True to his regal bearing, King Goodwill Zwelithini epitomised humility, dignity and a genuine love for his subjects. King Goodwill Zwelithini’s name will forever be immortalised by his good deeds and untiring endeavours for the welfare of not only his subjects but all South Africans.

On behalf of the legislature, I extend my deep sympathy to the Royal Family and the entire Zulu nation on this very sad day of the untimely passing of His Majesty. The legislature has benefited enormously from his warm, constructive and reciprocally valuable working relations it had with the King.

When we officially open the legislature at the beginning of every year, His Majesty provided solid and valuable guidance to the legislators and the Executive on what needed to be done to improve the lives of our people.

The King was always frank with us the legislative sector and more importantly, he had the courage of his convictions. One of those convictions was his unwavering belief that the legislature should not falter on its mandate of strengthening democracy as well as keeping a watchful eye on the executive arm of government.

The King was a peace maker. He always called for greater unity among political parties in KwaZulu-Natal as he strongly believed that tensions derailed the delivery of services to the people. We have no doubt that the collegiality we have among political parties we currently have in our legislature is because of perennial guidance we received from His Majesty.

May His Majesty’s soul rest in peace.


For enquiries contact:
Nomusa Phungula
072 294 7237/ 851 0085

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Human Settlements Portfolio Committee Welcomes New MEC

11 March 2021
Embargo: For Immediate Release
Attention: News/Assignment Editors, Political Reporters, Reporters
From: KZN Legislature Communications Unit


The Chairperson of the KwaZulu-Natal Legislature’s Portfolio Committee on Human Settlements Honourable Linda Hlongwa-Madlala has congratulated the newly appointed MEC for Human Settlements Ntuthuko “Jomo” Sibiya.

Hlongwa-Madlala said the committee welcomes Sibiya and strongly believes that they will have an excellent working relationship.
Sibiya, is a seasoned politician and a senior leader in the province. He was the Chairperson of the Portfolio Committee on Education before his appointment as MEC. Prior to that, he served in a number of other portfolio committees.

The changes to the provincial cabinet were necessitated by the passing of former Transport MEC Bheki Ntuli in January this year due to Covid-19 complications. Former Human Settlements and Public Works MEC Peggy Nkonyeni has now been moved to Transport and Community Safety.

Hlongwa-Madlala also wished Nkonyeni well in her new responsibilities saying the committee had a good working relationship with her.

“We are looking forward to a very good working relationship with the new MEC and his team. We wish him all the best,” said Hlongwa-Madlala.


Issued by the Portfolio Committee on Human Settlements

For more information please contact Committee Chairperson Hon Linda Hlongwa-Madlala at 0782923687 or Wonder Hlongwa at 0829083532

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Schools Functionality Visits In 2021


This week KZN MPLs are conducting oversight visits throughout the province to assess whether teaching and learning is taking place in a safe and conducive environment in public schools across the province.

The visits are taking place amid the deadly second wave of the Covid-19 pandemic which forced the government to delay the opening of schools for more than a month.

The visits, which enter the second day, have so far discovered that, most public schools have opened in a safe and conducive environment where teaching and learning is taking place smoothly.

Members are interacting with various stakeholders including teacher unions, department official, school governing bodies and members of the community to get their views on the challenges that are experienced by schools since the academic year officially started on February 15.

A comprehensive report on these oversight visits will be compiled and presented to the Speaker which will finally be debated in the House by all political parties represented in the Legislature. This forms part of the oversight processes of the Legislature to ensure the delivery of quality education in our province.

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Obituary Notice: Hon MB Ntuli, MPL, MEC For Transport, Community Safety And Liaison

Obituary Notice: Hon MB Ntuli, MPL, MEC For Transport, Community Safety And Liaison  

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Statement On The Passing Of Mr Bhekuyise Muntukayise Ntuli

17 JANUARY 2021


Yesterday , 16 January 2021 we learned with deep shock the news of the untimely passing of KwaZulu-Natal Legislature Member, Mr Bhekuyise Muntukayise Ntuli. He passed away at a Durban hospital yesterday evening due to COVID-19 related complications. He had been unwell for some time.

Affectionately known by his clan name “Mphemba”, served as a member of National Parliament of South Africa from 1999 to 2003 before joining the KwaZulu-Natal Legislature during the 4th term where he served as a member of the Transport Portfolio Committee and Chairperson of the Community Safety and Liaison Portfolio Committee. Mr Ntuli was sworn in to the position of MEC in September 2019. Throughout his life in politics, he has been a humble, loyal, dedicated, hard-working and exemplary servant of the people of KwaZulu-Natal.

He was a seasoned politician and a union activist. He held Primary Teachers Certificate from eMadadeni College; a degree in Management from UCT Graduate School of Business; a Certificate in Leadership from Wits University; and Post–graduate Diploma in Research, Strategic Diplomacy and Transitional Justice from University of Johannesburg.

Mr Ntuli’s rare qualities of being a peacemaker even under difficult circumstances earned him respect among his peers. This is not surprising because throughout his life, he performed extraordinary deeds in various structures and domains he served in.

In recognising his leadership qualities, his organisation, the ANC, elected him to serve as the Chairperson of the ANC in the Musa Dladla Region for more than 15 years. He served for more than 20 years as a member and leader of the ANC sub–committee on Peace and Stability.
Despite his tasks and responsibilities being complex and sensitive in nature, he tackled them with calmness. Passionate for peace in the province he had begun to implement a number of programmes that were aimed at reversing the tide of Gender-Based Violence, Taxi Violence, and reducing the carnage on the province’s roads. He has consistently displayed exceptional leadership and wisdom, with his passing, our legislature and indeed the entire country has lost an upright leader, a deep thinker, and a true servant of the people. We pray for comfort in this hour of grief.

On behalf of the legislature community, I would like to extend our deepest sympathies to the Ntuli family, his friends, the people of KwaZulu-Natal and the organisation he represented in the Legislature, the African National Congress. May his revolutionary soul rest in peace.

For more information contact:
Nomusa Phungula
Office of the Speaker Media Liaison
071 851 0085/ 072 294 7237

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Statement By President Cyril Ramaphosa On Progress In The National Effort To Contain The Covid-19 Pandemic

Statement By President Cyril Ramaphosa On Progress In The National Effort To Contain The Covid-19 Pandemic

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