Escalating Crime in Amaoti

11 MARCH 2025

Subject: Escalating Crime in Amaoti.

We remain extremely worried about the violent crime perpetrated against innocent people in Amaoti, Inanda and other areas.

Following the recent murder of three men, the shooting of a woman, and a community protest in Amaoti, something drastic must be done by relevant authorities to turn around the situation.

In particular, the Department of Community Safety and Liaison, together with the Office of the Premier, should be on the side of local vulnerable members of the community during this period.
The co-ordinating role of the Office of the Premier becomes critical in terms of the deployment of resources and the rollout of tangible programs that must end the pervasive culture of violence in the affected areas.

The mushrooming of youth gangs, extortion, drug trafficking, alcohol, and substance abuse has contributed to the ongoing crime and violence.
This could be traced to the high school dropout rates and the lack of recreational and skills development activities for the youth.

An integrated approach involving both Office of the Premier and the Department of Community Safety and Liaison should be introduced and used to end the scourge whilst addressing the psychological impact of crime on communities.
The resources in the possession of both departments must be used to make a difference for the vulnerable members of communities, especially women, children, the youth, and senior citizens.

While the role of the police is critical in the fight against crime, the two departments have an equal responsibility in creating an environment that would result in the reduction or eradication of crime.

Moving forward, the Office of the Premier should be seized with the co-ordination of the work of government departments in order to accelerate service delivery interventions in the Inanda, Ntuzuma, KwaMashu and other area.

The Department of Community and Liaison must establish a central safety co-ordination team with safety initiatives being introduced and implemented urgently.

The lack of action and tangible programmes in the area will result in the creation of a pool of young people from which hardened criminals recruit. The Committee will visit these areas as soon as possible.


Issued by Hon Mbali Frazer
Chair of the Portfolio Committee: Premier, Community Safety and Liaison
078 300 5259

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Call For Inputs On Focused Intervention Study On Water Challenges In eThekwini Municipality


10 March 2025


The human rights to water require that drinking water is always available, accessible, safe and acceptable for all. In the eThekwini Municipality, there has been widespread concerns and grievances expressed by residents regarding the ongoing water crisis. This has prompted the KZN Legislature’s portfolio committee on Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs (COGTA) to undertake a focused intervention study on the municipality’s water supply.

This consultative session is a significant step toward addressing potential corruption and mismanagement. We strongly believe that compiling a comprehensive report incorporating representations from various stakeholders will be beneficial to ensure a unified and informed approach toward resolving the crisis.

Members of the public are therefore invited to make their detailed inputs to the study no later than the 2nd of April 2025. Inputs should be emailed to: For more information please do not hesitate to contact Mr Vusi Mthembu on 033 355 7050


For media interviews: Ms Marlaine Nair 0726928963

For media enquiries: Mr Bongani Tembe 0823272600

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Signing Ceremony Of Memorandum Of Agreement Between The KwaZulu-Natal Legislature And The National School Of Government Held At The Legislature Buildings In Pietermaritzburg, Wednesday 05 March 2025.



DATE:  05 MARCH 2025


KwaZulu-Natal Legislature is excited to announce partnership with the National School of Government (NSG) to empower its members. This collaboration is part of an ongoing programme by the legislature of creating platforms to empower its members and employees. 

The Legislature holds a firm belief that capacity building will lead to enhanced law-making, public participation, oversight, and impactful service delivery.

“The KwaZulu-Natal Legislature has prioritised capacity building for both elected public representatives and employees during this term. As the KZN we believe that a well-capacitated Provincial Legislature can only be realized if we build strong partnership with relevant institutions of Learning, other bodies supporting parliamentary democracy, and the broader community of KwaZulu-Natal Province,” said Hon Boyce.

Hon. Boyce underscored the importance of ongoing education and professional development, highlighting that such initiatives are crucial for empowering all Members to meet the expectations of their roles and serve the public effectively. By investing in continuous learning, the Legislature aims to improve governance and better address the needs of the constituents they represent.

The Principal of the NSG, Prof. Busani Ngcaweni, said this partnership is a key focus for the NSG as it takes forward its mandate in playing a pivotal role in enhancing the professionalism, ethics, and capabilities of the public sector. “The NSG prides itself on facilitating and assisting the Legislative Sector in terms of providing strategic leadership, thereby enabling the KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Legislature to exercise its Constitutional responsibility in an enabling environment of a skilled and capable workforce that is central to the KZN-Legislatures’ vision,” said Prof Ngcaweni.

The partnership with the NSG aims to strengthen the Legislatures’ unique capabilities in fulfilling its constitutional responsibilities. It focuses on improving ethical leadership and ethical oversight, creating effective laws to enhance service delivery, and engaging citizens in decision-making.

The collaborative partnership is committed to equipping the KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Legislature with advanced skills and strong leadership capabilities with the aim of addressing the diverse needs and aspirations of various communities. This partnership will create a meaningful impact which will enhance the quality of life for all residents, fostering a brighter and more sustainable future for the province.



Media Enquiries:

Media Liaison Officer, Ms. Phathisa Mfuyo: 081 021 5111

Communications Manager, Mr Sina Nxumalo:  082 906 0449



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KwaZulu-Natal Flooding: Condolences And Call For Proactive Disaster Management In KZN


26 February 2025


On behalf of the Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (COGTA) Portfolio Committee in KwaZulu-Natal Legislature, I extend our deepest condolences to the families who have tragically lost loved ones in the recent flooding. Our thoughts and prayers are with you during this profoundly difficult time.

We also express our heartfelt sympathy to those who have suffered the loss of their homes and possessions due to these devastating floods. The impact on your lives is immeasurable, and we stand with you in solidarity as you navigate the challenges ahead. We would also like to commend the MEC for COGTA Rev. Thulasizwe Buthelezi and his department for their timeous response to residents in flooded areas.

The increasing frequency of torrential downpours and flooding in our province underscores the urgent need for comprehensive and proactive disaster management strategies. Climate change has rendered such extreme weather events more common, making it imperative for all municipalities to prioritize disaster preparedness and response.

We call upon municipal authorities to adopt a proactive approach, implementing robust infrastructure improvements, early warning systems, and community education programs to mitigate the effects of such natural disasters. The safety and well-being of our residents must remain paramount.

To our fellow citizens, we urge you to exercise caution and remain vigilant during these times. Do not underestimate the dangers posed by severe weather conditions. Stay informed through official channels, adhere to safety guidelines, and take necessary precautions to protect yourselves and your loved ones.

Let us unite in our efforts to enhance disaster management and build resilient communities capable of withstanding the challenges posed by our changing climate. Together, we can work towards a safer and more secure KwaZulu-Natal for all.


For interviews: COGTA Portfolio Committee Chair, Hon Marlaine Nair 0726928963
For enquiries: Mr Bongani Tembe 0823272600

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KwaZulu-Natal Speaker Hon. Nontembeko Boyce giving an outline and the state of readiness to the members of the media for the Official Opening of the Legislature and the State of the Province Address which will be held at Woodburn Stadium, Pietermaritzburg from the 27- 28 February 2025.

23 February 2025

Programme Director

The Secretary of the legislature, Ms. Nerusha Naidoo

Members of the media

Let me take this opportunity to thank you for joining us this morning at our press briefing where we will be outlining our state of readiness regarding our preparations for the 2025 official opening of the second session of the 7th  term of the legislature and the State of the Province Address.

This year’s Official Opening of the KwaZulu-Natal Legislature will take place over two days at the Woodburn Stadium in Pietermaritzburg on the 27th and 28th February 2025.  .The first day is dedicated to the Official Address to the Legislature by His Majesty King Misuzulu KaZwelithini who will deliver his message to the House to mark the beginning of the Second Session of the Seventh KwaZulu-Natal Legislature. This is the second official address by His Majesty during the seventh term.

Rule 10(1)(a) of the KZN Legislature Standing Rules, provides that the Monarch may address the Legislature. State of the Province Address by Premier Arthur Thamsanqa Ntuli give an outline of the government policies for the year ahead in terms of rule 10(1)(b).

As we are preparing for this important event in our legislative calendar, we have invited all our key stakeholders who are always part of this auspicious event. We are happy to announce that all our stakeholders are now fully on board and have accepted our invitations.  We are ready to officially commence with the annual programme of our Legislature.

Our decision to hold this session away from the Legislature precinct in the Pietermaritzburg CBD is primarily informed by space constraints in our chamber which cannot accommodate all the guests and the public. The current Legislature chamber can only accommodate 120 people in the public gallery, which will not cover the number of guests that attend the Official Opening of the Legislature.

May I further add that the Oval Cricket Stadium, which we have utilized for the past two years, is not available due to cricket fixtures which are scheduled on the dates we will be holding the Official Opening. Due to the reasons mentioned above, we had to find alternative cost-effective venue which can accommodate the number of guests we have invited including the public. After careful consideration, we agreed together with the leadership collective to utilise Woodburn Stadium in Pietermaritzburg.

As the Legislature we met with His Majesty King Misuzulu ka Zwelithini to brief him about the programme last year. We met him again on Thursday to update him about the venue change for the official opening and he appreciated how the institution stayed within the legislation to ensure we deliver a successful opening. We also want to inform you that prior to the last meeting with His Majesty, we did receive a letter from the King’s Office raising security issues in respect of the chosen venue. We want to assure you that these are being attended to as part of the overall event’ security and the monarch appreciated our efforts.

Woodburn Stadium can accommodate over 3000 people and has all the facilities we need, which also includes sufficient parking. Woodburn Stadium is not new to hosting events. Previously, it has been used for the Inauguration of the Premier.

Attendance for this year’s Official Opening and SOPA will include 2000 people who will be attending over two days, comprising of the following different categories.

  • VIPs: 1000 inclusive of MPLS and other categories
  • Members of the Public: 200
  • Officials including Media and SAPS: 500
  • Amabutho, Omama and Izintombi: 190

The State of the Province Address by the Premier is integral to the official opening of the legislature, it is a government policy speech which sets out the province’s key policy objectives and priorities for the year. This address by the Premier follows the President’s State of the Nation Address (SONA) on 06 February which provided clear priorities, programmes and policy direction for the country to be implemented during the current year.  The President’s address provides Members of the Legislature with an instrument to be able to exercise oversight over the provincial government to oversee whether government commitments made in SONA and SOPA are indeed implemented fully within allocated resources.  

At the beginning of the year, we kicked off our annual programme with the School Functionality and Monitoring Programme, which is a critical intervention by the Legislature to ensure delivery of quality education in all our public schools. We will continue with our oversight activities throughout the year to hold the executive accountable.  

The Legislature continues to conduct its work on a hybrid mode to ensure maximum participation of the people of KwaZulu-Natal. This event will be streamed live on all our social media platforms on reverse billing or data-free (meaning members of the public can stream all proceedings for free). The address will also be live on community radio stations and TV channels.

Ladies and Gentlemen, while planning the Official Opening of the Legislature, we were mindful of budget constraints and have tried to stay within budget. We also noted the fabrication of budget which has been circulated on social media that the Legislature will spend R6.6 million in hosting the Official Opening at Woodburn Stadium. 

As an arm of government, that is responsible for overseeing the spending and value add of departments, we are mindful of wasteful expenditure. We are constantly looking at avenues and interventions to reduce the costs. Accordingly, we have budgeted for the King’s Address and SOPA to the tune of R4 million which falls within the constitutional mandate of the Legislature.

The costs entail audio visual setup, transport, catering, infrastructure setup and publicity. By maintaining 2000 guests, we will be able to minimize the costs and still align to the constitutional mandate of the Legislature which requires us to conduct the business of the Legislature in public and facilitate public involvement.  

Ladies and gentlemen, over and above the two events mentioned above, the House will debate SOPA on the 04 March 2025 wherein all political parties participate in the debate. The debate will take place in the Legislature Chamber at Langalibalele Street in Pietermaritzburg.

As I conclude, let me reiterate our unwavering commitment as the Legislature to the full exercise of our constitutional mandate of maintaining robust oversight over the provincial government to ensure prudent spending of public resources including the provincial budget by all departments and public entities to ensure visible delivery of services to the people of KwaZulu-Natal. Our oversight tools are in place to monitor the provincial government in the form of committees and other institutions such as the Auditor-General of South Africa.



For more information contact:

Office of the Speaker Media Liaison, Phathisa Mfuyo on 081 021 5111

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Statement By The Speaker Of KwaZulu-Natal Legislature, Ms Nontembeko Boyce, During A Media Briefing To Announce The State Of Readiness For The Official Opening Of The Legislature


23 February 2025

Programme Director

The Deputy Speaker, Ms. Mmabatho Tembe

The Secretary of the legislature, Ms. Nerusha Naidoo

Members of the media

Let me take this opportunity to thank you for joining us this morning at our press briefing where we will be outlining key developments and our state of readiness regarding our preparations for the 2025 Official Opening of the Legislature and the State of the Province Address.

In keeping with our practice in KwaZulu-Natal, this year’s Official Opening of the KwaZulu-Natal Legislature will take place over two days. The first day is dedicated to the Official Address to the Legislature by His Majesty King Misuzulu KaZwelithini who will deliver his message to the House to mark the beginning of the Second Session of the Seventh KwaZulu-Natal Legislature. This is the second official address by His Majesty under the government of provincial unity and we consider this address as crucial in building and strengthening unity and cohesion in the province.

In terms of Rule 10 (2) of our Standing Rules, the head of the Zulu Monarchy plays an annual role in the opening of the House. We are the only Legislature in the country that has openly embraced and respected at this level, the valuable role of Traditional Leadership and cultural traditions within the province. We are grateful to His Majesty, King Misuzulu who will once again grace this term by delivering his address to the House to mark the official opening of the Second Session of the 7th KZN Legislature.

The Address by His Majesty as well as the State of the Province Address by Premier Thamsanqa Ntuli will run over a period of two days: the 27th and 28th February 2025. His Majesty has confirmed his attendance and will address the House. We value the crucial role played by His Majesty and recognize that the guidance and counsel he provides to the Legislature and government is invaluable. We take this opportunity to express our gratitude towards His Majesty for availing himself for this prestigious occasion.

As we are preparing for this important event in our legislative calendar, we have invited all our key stakeholders who are always part of this auspicious event. We are happy to announce that all our stakeholders are now fully on board and have accepted our invitations.  We are ready to officially commence with the annual programme of our Legislature.

This year’s two-day event will be held at the Woodburn Stadium in Pietermaritzburg. The decision to hold this session away from the Legislature precinct in the Pietermaritzburg CBD is primarily informed by space constraints in our chamber which cannot accommodate all the guests and the public. The current Legislature chamber can only accommodate 120 people in the public gallery, which will not cover the number of guests that attend the Official Opening of the Legislature.

The Oval Cricket Stadium, which we have utilized for the past two years, is not available due to cricket fixtures which are scheduled on the dates we will be holding the Official Opening. Due to the reasons mentioned above, we had to find alternative cost-effective venue which can accommodate the number of guests we have invited including the public. After careful consideration, we agreed together with the strategic leadership to utilise Woodburn Stadium in Pietermaritzburg.

Woodburn Stadium can accommodate over 3000 people and has all the facilities we need, which also includes sufficient parking. Woodburn Stadium is not new to hosting events. Previously, it has been used for the Inauguration of the Premier, on two prior occasions.

Attendance for this year’s Official Opening and SOPA will include 2000 people who will be attending over two days, comprising of the following different categories.

  • VIPs: 1000 inclusive of MPLS and other categories
  • Members of the Public: 200
  • Officials including Media and SAPS: 500
  • Amabutho, Omama and Izintombi: 190

The State of the Province Address by the Premier which is integral to the Official Opening of the Legislature is equally critical in that, it is a government policy speech which sets out the province’s key policy objectives and priorities for the year. The theme for this year’s SOPA is “Inspiring New Hope Through Fast-tracking Service delivery and Ensuring Safety for All KZN Citizens.”

This address by the Premier follows the President’s State of the Nation Address (SONA) on 06 February which provided clear priorities, programmes and policy direction for the country to be implemented during the current year.  The President’s address provides Members of the Legislature with an instrument to be able to exercise oversight over the provincial government to oversee whether government commitments made in SONA and SOPA are indeed implemented fully within allocated resources.  

At the beginning of the year, we kicked off our annual programme with the School Functionality and Monitoring Programme, which is a critical intervention by the Legislature to ensure delivery of quality education in all our public schools. We will continue with our oversight activities throughout the year to hold the executive accountable.  

The Legislature continues to conduct its work on a hybrid mode to ensure maximum participation of the people of KwaZulu-Natal. This event will be streamed live on all our social media platforms on reverse billing or data-free (meaning members of the public can stream all proceedings for free). The address will also be live on community radio stations and TV channels.

Ladies and Gentlemen, while planning the Official Opening of the Legislature, we were mindful of budget constraints and have tried to stay within budget. As an arm of government, that is responsible for overseeing the spending and value add of departments, we are mindful of wasteful expenditure. We are constantly looking at avenues and interventions to reduce the costs. Accordingly, we have budgeted for the King’s Address and SOPA to the tune of R4 million which falls within the constitutional mandate of the Legislature.

The costs entail audio visual setup, transport, catering, infrastructure setup and publicity. By maintaining 2000 guests, we will be able to minimize the costs and still align them to the constitutional mandate of the Legislature which requires us to conduct the business of the Legislature in public and facilitate public involvement.  

Ladies and gentlemen, over and above the two events mentioned above, the House will debate SOPA on the 04 March 2025 wherein all political parties will take part in the debate. The debate will take place in the Legislature Chamber at Langalibalele Street in Pietermaritzburg.

As I conclude, let me reiterate our unwavering commitment as the Legislature to the full exercise of our constitutional mandate of maintaining robust oversight over the provincial government to ensure prudent spending of public resources including the provincial budget by all departments and public entities to ensure visible delivery of services to the people of KwaZulu-Natal. Our oversight tools are in place to monitor the provincial government in the form of committees and other institutions such as the Auditor-General of South Africa.


For more information contact:

Office of the Speaker Media Liaison, Phathisa Mfuyo on 081 021 5111

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KwaZulu-Natal Speaker Hon. Nontembeko Boyce at Ezinqoleni Secondary School in Ray Nkonyeni Municipality for the civic education programme.

KwaZulu-Natal Speaker Hon. Nontembeko Boyce received a warm welcome at Ezinqoleni Secondary School in Ray Nkonyeni Municipality where she spent time with pupils as part of civic education programme. 

Hon. Boyce stressed the importance of career guidance especially to the class of 2025. Students from all grades then participated in a quiz where Hon. Boyce questioned them on general knowledge about South Africa and KZN. 

“Hon. Boyce said, “it is import for us as the legislature to visit our schools such as Ezinqoleni Secondary as part of civic education. What’s more encouraging is that even though the school has a high enrolment, but they were able to get 95,8 % during the 2024 NSC. 

Owethu Nxumalo, Grade 12 pupil who participated in the quiz received a laptop said, “She is grateful for the Speakers visit and thanked the Speaker for visiting eZinqoleni Secondary School and says the laptop will come handy when she goes to university next year.”

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KwaZulu-Natal Government Departments And Entities To Account To SCOPA On How They Handle The Public Purse

Media Advisory

17 February 2025


KwaZulu-Natal provincial government departments and state entities will appear before the Legislature’s Standing Committee of Public Accounts (SCOPA), to report on how they have implemented legislature resolutions relating to how they handle public funds.

Commenting ahead of the hearings scheduled for this week and next week, SCOPA Chair, Hon Tim Brauteseth, said his committee was determined to hold government officials accountable for the expenditure of the public purse and to ensure that funds are not used for self-enrichment.

“Tomorrow we will begin with our follow up hearings with various departments and state entities, and we will conclude these hearings week. SCOPA met with the departments in October 2024, and they were asked to provide concrete responses to an avalanche of concerns raised relating to public expenditure within their departments.” said Hon Brauteseth.

This week’s hearings will take place as follows:

TUESDAY, 18 February 2025

Venue: Ingcuce committee room

09:00 – 09:45    :  Social Development

THURSDAY, 20 February 2025

Venue: Ingcuce committee room

09:00 – 10:30    :  Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife

10:30 – 14:15    :  Ithala SOC

FRIDAY, 21 February 2025

Venue: Ingcuce committee room

09:00 – 11:30    :  Education

11:45 – 13:00    :  Public Works

13:40 – 16:00    : Transport

Members of the media are invited to cover the hearings and to indicate if they want to cover the proceedings virtually.

For enquiries: Mr Bongani Tembe 0823272600

For interviews: SCOPA Chair, Hon Tim Brauteseth 0837664657


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