KZN Legislature’s COGTA Portfolio Committee To Undertake A Study Visit To Japan

07 March 2023

Media Release

For immediate release


KwaZulu-Natal Legislature’s Portfolio Committee on Co-Operative Governance and Traditional Affairs will undertake a study visit to Japan from the 27th May to the 4th June 2023 as part of the Legislature’s Members’ Capacity Building Programme.

Today, the Legislature Speaker, Hon Nontembeko Boyce and COGTA Portfolio Committee Chairperson, Hon. Zinhle Cele met with the Japanese Embassy led by Ambassador Tasuku Takanishi to discuss the preparations and programme for the visit.

Amongst the issues discussed with the Embassy which forms part of the study visit include the following:

  • Disaster management
  • Water and sanitation
  • Meeting with the City Council of Yokohama City
  • Visit to the Coal Plant using coal imported from South Africa
  • Waste management
  • Meeting with Political counterparts and Speaker of Japanese Parliament
  • Visit to NISSAN Headquarters

On returning from the study, the committee will compile a report which will be submitted to the Speaker, and tabled in the House for debate and adoption.

During this 6th term of the Legislature, most committees have visited various countries throughout the world to learn best practices to improve our law-making and oversight functions.




 For more information, please contact.

Hon. Zinhle Cele, Chairperson of COGTA Portfolio Committee

Cell: 060 501 7783


Issued by Communications Unit: KZN Legislature

Sina Nxumalo: 0829060449


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KZN Legislature Public Works Portfolio Committee Calls For The Eviction Of “hitmen” Occupying Legislature Housing Units In Ulundi.

21 February 2023

Media Statement


Members of the KwaZulu-Natal Legislature’s Public Works Portfolio Committee have called for the eviction of alleged hitmen who have taken over housing units and government flats at the old legislature complex in Ulundi, north of KwaZulu-Natal.

Portfolio Committee members heard how apartments that were built to house government employees and some houses built for the provincial government ministers have been hijacked by armed hitmen who are refusing to vacate the properties.

Provincial Public Works Department Head Mr Siboniso Majola told the committee which met at the KZN Legislature Complex today how he was intimidated by one of the alleged hitmen.

“I went to the old legislature complex in Ulundi to talk to some of the illegal occupants that they needed to vacate the flats. One of the illegal occupants pulled out two firearms, placed them on the table and said ‘yes Mr Majola, we can talk now’. I was terrified”, said Majola.

The Chairperson of the Provincial Public Works Portfolio Committee Honourable Makhosazane Zungu condemned the conduct of the alleged hitmen.

The committee resolved to formally request the South African Police Services and the department to work together to evict illegal occupiers. Zungu said the committee would give the SAPS and the department six months to ensure that illegal occupiers of the buildings are removed.

Committee member Honourable Sthembiso Mshengu said he was shocked at the derelict state of provincial government flats and some ministerial houses in Ulundi adding that the complex is so neglected that it is still emblazoned with the coat-of-arms of the old KwaZulu Homeland government.

Committee member Honourable Hlengiwe Mavimbela, who is also Chairperson of Committees commended the adoption of the resolution saying the committee cannot keep quiet as if it condoned the illegal occupation of government property.

The committee also heard that the departments which have been owing the Public Works Department hundreds of millions of rands have begun to settle their debts. Majola said this was in response to a directive issued at the provincial cabinet lekgotla that departments must pay before the end of the current financial year.

Committee member Honourable James Nxumalo commended those departments who have paid saying it was unacceptable that others were not quick to settle their debts in order for the department to be able to carry-out its responsibilities.

Committee member Honourable Vusi Dube said even those who were legally occupying the flats must pay so that the conditions of the complex could be improved.

The old legislature complex in Ulundi houses a number of government departments and the house of traditional leaders. Some residential flats are legally occupied by some of these officials.



Issued by KZN Legislature Public Works Portfolio Committee Chairperson Hon Makhosazane Zungu, contact details 0839894400

OR Committee Media Officer Mr Wonder Hlongwa at 0829083532

Mr Siboniso Majozi, KwaZulu-Natal’s Head of the Department of Public Works

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Public Works Portfolio Committee To Quiz Departmental Officials On Capital Projects And Progress On Repairing Infrastructure Damaged By Recent Floods

20 February 2023

Media Advisory


KwaZulu-Natal Legislature’s Public Works Portfolio Committee is set to hear presentations from the Provincial Department of Public Works on the progress made by the department on a number of capital projects currently underway. Members of the Provincial Legislature are expected to be given clarity on contentious projects such as the construction of the legislature precinct at Town Hill in Pietermaritzburg. Members of the committee are also expected to quiz the department on progress made to repair the infrastructure which was damaged by last year’s floods and this year’s torrential rains.

The meeting is scheduled as follows:

Time: 10am

Date: 21 February 2023

Venue: Lillian Ngoyi Committee Room (Legislature Precinct)

Members of the media are invited to attend and cover the proceedings accordingly.

For more information please contact Wonder Hlongwa at 0829083532.

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KZN Legislature held its Strategic Review Workshop from 16-18 February

KZN Legislature held its Strategic Review Workshop from 16-18 February


From 16 to 18 February 2023, the KZN Legislature held its 2023/2024 Strategy Review Workshop at the Cathedral Peak Resort in the Drakensberg, to review progress in the implementation of the 2019/2025 Strategic Master Plan Document. The workshop, which was attended by the Legislature Strategic Leadership, which is constituted by the Speaker, Deputy Speaker, Chief Whip, Chair of Chairs, Deputy Chair of Chairs and Senior Management, and invited guests speakers.


The workshop received a number of presentations from eminent speakers including the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC), former Statistician General, Dr Pali Lehohla, and Academics. After thorough engagements with the presentations, the Legislature is now well positioned to prepare itself to close out its 6th Term and come up with a sound strategy for the next term which is starting after the 2024 democratic elections.


The Legislature is committed to sharpening its law making, oversight and public involvement mechanisms to bring a better life to all the people of KwaZulul-Natal.  

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KZN Legislature Speaker’s Announcement For The Official Opening Of The Legislature And The State Of The Province Address


20 February 2023

Programme Director

The Deputy Speaker, Mr. Richard Themba Mthembu

The Secretary of the legislature, Ms. Nerusha Naidoo

Members of the media

We would like to start by thanking each one of you for responding so positively to our invitation to this morning’s press briefing wherein we seek to update you on key developments in the KwaZulu-Natal Legislature.

Ladies and gentlemen, over the past weeks, the leadership of the legislature has been conducting consultations with all key stakeholders regarding the Official Opening of the KZN Legislature as well as the State of the Province Address (SOPA).

Among the stakeholders were consulted were King Misuzulu kaZwelithini, the Premier of KwaZulu-Natal, Ms Nomusa Dube-Ncube and leaders of all political parties represented in the Legislature.

During our media briefing last year, we reported that, although over the years the official opening of the legislature, had been a two-legged occasion that commences with the address by His Majesty and culminates in the State of the Province Address (SOPA) by the Premier, His Majesty was not going to address the house pending the conclusion of government processes in respect of certification of the King.

We are happy to announce that following the Coronation of the King in October last year, we will commence with the Address by the Monarch which will be followed by the State of the Province.

In line with Standing Rule 10, of the Standing Rules of the KwaZulu-Natal Legislature, the Zulu Monarch will deliver His inaugural address on Thursday, 23 February and subsequently the Premier will deliver her State of the Province Address the following day, on Friday, 24 February 2023 at the Oval Cricket Stadium in Pietermaritzburg.


Members of the Media will recall that in the past, the KZN Legislature has made use of the Royal Showgrounds as a preferred venue for the King Address as well as SOPA. However, we are aware that this facility has been sold for a mixed use development and from 2024, it will no longer be available. We therefore felt it prudent that we must begin to cast our net wider in terms of the facilities within uMsunduzi that could host an event of this magnitude. We are therefore convinced that the Oval Cricket Stadium is one of the suitable venues that the Legislature can utilise until such time that the new legislature precinct comes into fruition.


May I advise members of the Media that the Kings Address and SOPA will be attended by 2500 people. The Official Opening will comprise of 1200 invited guests, 700 members of the public, 500 Amabutho, 100 members of Omama besiphithiphithi group and maidens.


We have taken a decision that the Address by His Majesty should be a vastly dignified  and distinguished ceremony hence we have increased the number of attendees from 1000 last year to 2500 this year as we take advantage of the fact that the King will be delivering his maiden address and also recognising that the 2021 and 2022 Official opening has limited attendance due to Covid 19 restrictions. This move has been fully supported by political parties represented in the legislature.


We anticipate a dignified and colourful ceremony that posterity would be proud of with Amabutho and amakhosi receiving His Majesty before the formal programme.


The 1200 invited guests have been sourced from diverse sectors and different parts of the country including, the diplomatic corps,  civil society, cultural groups, interfaith, the interfaith, the judiciary, NCOP delegates and former Members of the Legislature.

We are therefore confident that we will have a highly dignified and cost-effective inaugural address by His Majesty whom we regard as a source wisdom and many important issues ranging from development, social, economic and cultural in the province.


Ladies and gentlemen, let me I want to assure you that the Legislature is alive to the socio-economic challenges facing the country. To this end we have ensured that there are no frills that would characterize our opening. Only those amenities that are necessary for the event of this magnitude have been secured.

Ladies and gentlemen,

SOPA is critical in that it serves to set out the province’s key policy objectives and deliverables for the year. This is essential for the legislature to commence its oversight process for the year in that it can have a clear picture of the Executive’s plans and intentions for the year.

During SOPA, Honourable Premier Dube – Ncube will expand on practical steps to be taken by our government to address challenges faced by the province. The SOPA will, among other things focus on how the provincial government will deal with the effects of the recent floods and the July 2021 unrest which affected the lives of thousands of people and wrecked the economy.

This address by the Premier, follows President Cyril Ramaphosa’s address to the nation and serves as an opportunity for Members of the Legislature to consider the issues of accountability and oversee whether commitments of previous years have been achieved or are on track. 

The proceedings for both the official opening and SOPA will be available live on all KwaZulu-Natal Legislature social media pages on reverse billing or data-free meaning members of the public can stream for free on youtube. This address is also available on our website and social media pages.

The State of the Province Address will be followed by the Provincial Budget which will also be followed by Budget Policy Speeches of all provincial governments, including the Legislature.

Among the highlights of our budget speech will be the achievements we have scored as the institution including the fact that we are currently sitting with two consecutive clean audits. This, ladies and gentlemen, shows that we are not only keeping a watchful eye on how government entities handle the public purse but we are also leading by example.

We are also proud that our institution was the first among its peers to effectively use digital platforms to run its business online with house sittings and administration meetings now being conducted online.

Our public participation programmes, sectoral engagements and oversight programmes continue to have positive impact on people’s lives. We therefore humbly request the media to continue supporting our activities such as the LGBTQI+ Symposium, Sex Work Symposium, International Women’s Day, the Interfaith Symposium, the Workers’ Parliament, the Youth Parliament, Women’s Parliament, Senior Citizens’ Parliament, TLTP, Disability Parliament, Young Women’s Symposium.


All the Programmes mentioned above will take place against the backdrop of the Legislature finalising its closeout report for the sixth term as we prepare for the 2024 Elections. As the serving leadership we want to believe that we have built on the solid foundation laid by those leaders who came before us. It is our conviction that when we hand over the baton to the seventh political administration, our contribution during this term will not go unnoticed.

I thank you


For more information contact:

Nomusa Phungula

071 851 0085

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Schools Functionality Monitoring Programmme Tackles Non-viable Schools In The Province



From the 1st to the 3rd February 2023, all Members of the Legislature embarked on the Schools Functionality Monitoring Programme which targeted non-viable schools in KwaZulu-Natal with an aim of addressing the challenges faced by these schools particularly in rural areas.

The Schools Functionality Monitoring Programme forms part of the Legislature’s oversight responsibility which takes place at the beginning of every academic year and during the middle of the year to monitor the functioning of our public schools to ensure the delivery of quality basic education in KwaZulu-Natal.

The programme was introduced during the third term of the Legislature, aims to improve teaching and learning in our public schools by ensuring that schooling in all public schools takes place on the first day of each academic year. It involves various stakeholders such as School Governing Bodies, Teacher Unions, Councillors, Government Departments, Community Leaders and Religious Leaders. 

Since its inception, this intervention programme has yielded remarkable outcomes in our education system in the province with sustained improvement in the delivery of quality basic education from the foundation phase right up to the high school phase. This has been demonstrated by sustained and remarkable improvement in our senior certificate examination results over the past decade. The 2022 KZN matric results are a case in point.

Various Legislature teams were deployed in all Districts of KwaZulu-Natal to monitor non-viable schools with challenges ranging from low enrolment numbers, severe staff shortages, poor physical school infrastructure, crime, poverty and other social challenges.  

In Ugu District, the team started the schools functionality monitoring programme by visiting schools which were identified as non-viable in Umdoni Municipality on Wednesday the 1st February 2023. The visit started at Sithuthukile Secondary School in Ward 2 which was later followed by the visit to Ikhamana Primary School in the same Ward.

The challenges that were discovered in both schools in Umdoni Municipality are enormous. The physical conditions of the schools are an eyesore. Members urged the Department to come up with an immediate intervention to improve the physical condition of the schools particularly by providing suitable classrooms and resources which make teaching and learning to take place in a conducive environment. This also includes the provision of suitable ablution facilities for both teachers and learners which were found to be posing serious health hazards.

The team also discovered shocking low levels of pupil enrolment coupled with teacher provision norms in both these schools. It was shocking to discover that both schools have less than 100 pupils and two educators including principals who teach in these schools.  


On the second day, the team visited Ray Nkonyeni Municipality in uMzumbe Circuit Management. The day started at Mashaba Primary School which is a non-viable school with the current enrolment of less than 100 pupils with only 3 educators including the principal. The physical condition of the school also needs an urgent intervention by the Department. Of particular concern was a lack of proper classrooms and ablution facilities as well as shoddy fencing of the school which must be attended to as a matter of urgency. Like all other non-viable schools, the school is severely under-staffed which makes effective teaching impossible.

The team then moved to Mntwana Ngamizizwe High School in the same Circuit Management. The school has proper and excellent physical infrastructure with modern teaching and learning tools such as overhead screens and projectors and a functional laboratory. However, the school has a challenge of fewer pupil enrolment which places it in the same category as a non-viable school.

As a result of this enrolment challenge, the school has been affected by the Post Provision Norm (PPN). Currently, there is a severe shortage of teachers to teach critical subjects such as maths, science and accounting. Even the school principal teaches subjects from grade 10 to 12 with more than 20 teaching periods per week. That compromises the principal’s administrative responsibilities.

On the last day of the programme, Ugu team visited Sibhaqa Primary School in Izingolweni which is another non-viable school. Like all other non-viable schools visited during the Schools Functionality progamme, the school suffers from the same challenges of poor enrolment and inadequate teaching staff.

A consolidated report including reports from other teams that visited other Districts is being compiled for submission to the Chairperson of Committees for processing and subsequently to the Office of the Speaker for tabling in the House.

The report will be tabled in the House for debate and adoption. After the adoption of the report, the Legislature, through its Portfolio Committee on Education, will play its oversight role on the implementation of the report by the Department of Education as adopted by the House.

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Joint Oversight Exercise By KZN And Gauteng Provincial Legislatures

Media Statement

25 January 2023


KwaZulu-Natal Legislature’s Public Works Portfolio Committee together with the Gauteng Legislature’s Infrastructure Development and Property Management Portfolio Committee this week visited King Dinuzulu Hospital in Durban and Tongaat Special School to conduct oversight as mandated by the constitution.

The Gauteng Legislature MPLs were in KwaZulu-Natal as part of the Inter-Provincial Legislature visit to exchange best practices on strengthening oversight and public participation within the legislative sector.

On Tuesday Gauteng MPLs joined KZN Legislature’s Public Works Portfolio Committee in Ixopo’s Peace Initiative Hall where the Public Works Committee had a Stakeholders Engagement with the people of Harry Gwala District.

Stakeholders Engagement is a legislature initiative which seeks to enable communities to actively participate in the governance of the province and to influence how resources are allocated and prioritised.

Officials from the Department of Public Works also attended the meeting and were able to report on the department’s projects in the province and also in the Harry Gwala District.

Dozens of people including councillors, traditional leaders, contractors and members of the community attended the stakeholders’ engagement.

During the visit to King Dinuzulu Hospital Public Works Department officials reported on frustrations experienced by the department as a result of business forums which disrupt developmental projects demanding to be appointed as service providers.

Honourable Mpho Modise, whp chairs Gauteng Legislature’s Infrastructure Development and Property Management Portfolio Committee, said this problem is not only experienced in KZN but is also prevalent in Gauteng.

“The painful thing about this is that these forums sometimes do not have the required skills and once they are given an opportunity to sub-contract, they sell that to a service provider who has required skills and attributes,” said Modise.

The two committees then proceeded to Tongaat Special School which has been rebuilt to do the walk-about and inspect the progress on the construction of the school.


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Postponement Of Schools Functionality Monitoring Programme


KwaZulu-Natal Legislature Speaker Honourable Nontembeko Boyce has postponed the Schools Functionality Monitoring Programme which was scheduled to take place between 25-27 January 2023 until further notice.

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War-rooms Functionality Monitoring Reveal Unresolved Challenges In Most Wards

09 November 2022
Embargo: For Immediate Release
Attention: News/Assignment Editors, Political Reporters, Reporters


Members of the KwaZulu-Natal Legislature this week (8-9 November) were deployed throughout the province to assess the functioning of War-Rooms which were established to facilitate a well-co-ordinated, collaborative and inclusive service delivery to communities.

This is part of the legislature’s mandate to ensure that service delivery indeed takes part in our province.

The legislature adopted the War Rooms Functionality Programme in 2018 as part of its constitutional mandate to exercise oversight over the executive arm of government.
Whilst a lot of good work was observed in a number of War-Rooms throughout the province Honourable Members also noted a number of challenges including the following:
• Lack of infrastructure such as office space, computers and other tools to support War- Rooms to function optimally.
• Lack of co-operation from a number of government departments who are almost always unavailable to attend War-Room meetings and report or listen to issues affecting communities in that specific ward.

• A need to improve working relationship between War-Rooms and institutions of traditional leadership especially in rural areas to tackle developmental issues and criminality including gender based violence.
The fact that almost all wards have War-Rooms was noted as a positive development from which the province needs to build on strengthen the work of War-Rooms.
Eleven teams were deployed in all districts and Ethekwini Metro to assess the work of the War-Rooms and each team visited about six war rooms in each district.
All spheres of government, national, provincial and local, as well as civil society players participate in war rooms to deal with issues affecting communities that need government intervention.

Issued by KZN Legislature Communications Unit

For more information please contact Wonder Hlongwa at 0829083532

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