Submission of Annual Reports by Departments
In order to ensure that annual reports from departments are submitted in time, the Legislature has had to devise and formulate some procedures around this process:
An annual report has to be submitted to Treasury by 31 August of each year.
An annual report should be tabled with the Office of the Speaker by 15 September of each year.
A minimum of 120 signed copies have to be submitted to the Legislature before the day of tabling through the Office of the Speaker. The person who is responsible for this is the Papers Clerk.
Copies of all documents for tabling are supplied to the Legislature at least two working days before a sitting day.
An MEC who fails to table a report and statements, referred to under sub-Rule (1), by 30 September must, in accordance with Section 65 (2) (a) of the Public Finance Management Act, 1999, Act No 1 of 1999, as amended, table a written explanation for this omission, setting our reasons for his/her failure to table a report and statements.
The relevant MEC or another MEC designated by him/her, must table the reports and statements under sub-Rule (1) in the House on the next sitting day after the delivery under sub-Rule (1).